Ask an Officer

How Have You Held Onto Hope in 2021?

Ask an officer anything. An officer in The Salvation Army is an ordained minister of Christian faith.
Ask an Officer

It has been a rough two years, and sometimes as believers, hope is all we have. Finding ways to hold onto hope is essential for our souls.

A quick Internet search will tell you that there are several Bible verses about hope. We are supposed to put our hope in God, rejoice in hope, God is the God of hope … but what do these messages look like in real life?

I’ll give you three examples of how I have been holding onto hope in 2021. First, I hold onto God through prayer and reading my Bible. I’ll admit that some days it may be only a short cry for help or a couple of quick verses before I’m out the door, but that small connection to my Creator stirs the hope that sits in my soul.

Second, I hold onto a few close friendships that point me in the direction of Jesus. When I’ve had a hard day, week or year, I know which people in my life will sit with me in the hard, but still inspire hope. And they know that they can come to me when they are struggling, too.

Lastly, I hold onto myself. Am I taking moments to rest? How is my soul? If I ask myself these questions, I can then go back to God with any of my concerns knowing that He is my hope, and that He will hold me up when I need it. 

Lieutenant Meagan Ruff, Yakima, Washington

Remaining hopeful in a year filled with unparalleled uncertainty has made 2021 by far the most challenging year of my life. It has been a year that I would easily term, “a year of waiting.” Waiting for COVID to end, for my kids to go back to school, for life to return to “normal,” for my brain to feel like it’s not going to explode … the list goes on. However, in the waiting I have discovered that God is present and He is faithful in every moment. Yes, even in those crazy moments of sitting in my closet drinking coffee just so I could get five minutes to myself.

Being intentional about opening God’s Word, praying, spending time with family and an almost constant flow of music has kept hope alive in my soul. I need all of those things to help keep me in the right perspective. John 16:33 (NIV) became a staple verse for me this year, “In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”

To COVID-19 and 2021, you have been trouble. But Jesus has already conquered all what 2021 has had to offer. So no matter what other crazy things this world decides to throw our way, it is not a surprise to God, he has not suddenly been caught off guard. He is faithful and true and I have safely placed my trust, my hope, my life in His hands because He has proven time and time again that He can handle all of Ashley Robinett.

Captain Ashley Robinett, Fayetteville, AR

The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church.

An officer in The Salvation Army is an ordained minister of Christian faith. They dedicate their lives, skills and service completely to God. Submit your question to an officer at

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