How do I get back into “spiritual shape” when I’ve fallen away from God?
"By digging deeper into the meaning of Scripture, I find that I grow to desire the Lord more."I have to choose to make time with Jesus and while it isn’t always easy, I just remind myself that even on my worst day, He chose to give His life for me. When I am investing in my spiritual growth, I have to protect that investment by denying myself of things that pull me away from Him.
At times, that means turning off Netflix and enjoying quiet time with Him. I also seek understanding of His Word more than just knowledge. By digging deeper into the meaning of Scripture, I find that I grow to desire the Lord more. There are loads of resources—some free—for study online!
The Salvation Army is an evangelical part of the universal Christian church. An officer in The Salvation Army is an ordained minister of Christian faith. They dedicate their lives, skills and service completely to God.
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