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Ask an Officer

How can I learn to be patient with God’s timing?

"God answers prayers in His timing." By Captain Jeremy Alexander
Ask an Officer

I’ve been waiting on God’s timing, but it feels like nothing is happening. How can I learn to be patient with God’s timing?

In the words of our founder William Booth: “Others.” 

God is in the miracle business. He is working in our lives when we see it and when we don’t. 

He loves us more than we could ever think or imagine, and wants to give us the desires of our heart.

One of the best ways to wait on the Lord is in giving back to those in need. Find a local Salvation Army and get involved in the service programs. Maybe this includes serving a community meal to folks experiencing homelessness or sorting out donations for the food pantry to give to families with food insecurity. God answers prayers in His timing, and in the meantime, remember that God loves us, and we can share love with others around us. 

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