General John Gowans
A Salvation Army renaissance man, General John Gowans’s primary focus was on reaching and impacting the world for Christ through unique, creative methods and delivered through his dynamic personality!
A Salvation Army renaissance man, General John Gowans’s primary focus was on reaching and impacting the world for Christ through unique, creative methods and delivered through his dynamic (effervescent) personality!
On November 13, 1934, Captains Jack and Elizabeth Gowans, welcomed John (the third of five sons) into their home in Blantyre, Scotland. Later in 1954, John entered the International Training College in London as a member of the “Soulwinners” session of cadets. While in training, he and his session mate, Cadet Gisèle Bonhotal, fell in love and married in 1957.
In August 1966, then-Captain John Gowans met then-Captain John Larsson when Brigadier Denis Hunter—then-National Youth Secretary of the British Territory—called a group together to discuss creating a youth musical for the International Youth Year in 1968. At that momentous meeting, Brigadier Hunter appointed Captains John Gowans and John Larsson to compose “Take Over Bid,” the first of their 10 internationally renowned musicals. Songs from the musicals are sung throughout The Salvation Army. John wrote more than 200 songs.
John also authored three books of prayer poems with the captivating title “O Lord.” In retirement, General John continued to bless and encourage people throughout the world as an author of The Salvation Army’s daily devotional “Words of Life.” His writings are filled with succinct, in-depth insights that are always cloaked in a charming humor. In addition to his works, he greeted everyone with uninhibited joy. His warm, strong hugs and abandoned laughter are legendary.
After serving in both administrative appointments and as divisional leaders in their home territory and the USA Western Territory, John and Gisèle Gowans served for 11 years in France, where they became territorial leaders. Then in 1999, John Gowans was elected as the 16th International Leader of The Salvation Army. General John Gowans was promoted to glory on December 8, 2012. General John Larsson presided at his funeral service held at the William Booth Memorial Hall in London.
So What?
As Salvationists, our priorities should be in the same vein as General John Gowans. We are to develop—as His disciples—a heart for God, a vision for the world and then allow Him to use us in unique, dynamic and creative ways! What makes you unique? What are you doing to reach one more for Christ? Are you allowing God to express his love and concern for people through your unique gifts?