Daring Deeds
Remember when your dreams seemed immeasurable? What is your dream job (the sky’s not the limit!), and why?On March 4th, 2020, daredevil Nik Wallenda walked on a tightrope across an active volcano in Nicaragua. What’s the most daring thing you’ve done? It doesn’t have to be as extreme as walking across an active volcano! What’s pushed you beyond your comfort zone?

“The most daring thing I have done with my life is finally taking the steps to follow my dreams and goals. As silly as that sounds, I’m the type of person who loves helping others and making sure other people are happy and well before helping myself. I took a step back and realized that in some ways, I was very unhappy and needed a change! So, I started to travel more and do things that I’m really interested in. I found local classes like pottery and art. My self-journey has just taken off but I’m starting to feel whole again!”
Kaylan, 26
Danville, KY

“I broke up with my toxic ex-boyfriend and got with someone who makes sure I’m the best me I can be.”
Randi, 18
Murray, KY

“Leaving my parents’ house just to pursue my dream.”
Jefferson, 23
Miami, FL

“I dared to be different in a society where everybody is trying for the same thing.”
Michaela, 19
Salinas, CA

“Performing at marching band competitions even though large crowds give me really bad anxiety.”
Madi, 18
Bedford, IN

“The most daring thing I have done was to accept the reality of my lifestyle choices and allow Christ to walk with me to the belief of living a sober and clean life within all means.”
Aleah, 22
Charlotte, NC
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