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Is It A Bible Verse or a Taylor Swift Lyric?

Can you discern the timeless wisdom of scripture from the contemporary lyrics of Taylor Swift?
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“One single thread of gold tied me to you.”

This is a lyric from the song “invisible string” by Taylor Swift from the album “folklore.”

“Seeing the shape of your name still spells out pain.”

This is a lyric from the song “closure” by Taylor Swift from the album “evermore.”

“Are there still beautiful things?”

This is a song lyric from “august” by Taylor Swift from the album “folklore.”

“I will not be afraid of many thousands of people who have set themselves against me all around.”

This is Psalm 3:6 (NLT).

“That I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart.”

This is Romans 9:2 (ESV).

“And when you find everything you’ve looked for, I hope your love leads you back to my door.”

This is a lyric from the song “Stay Beautiful” by Taylor Swift from her debut album.

“On the willows there, we hung up our lyres.”

This is Psalm 137:2 (ESV).

“Your integrity makes me seem small; You paint dreamscapes on the wall.”

This is a lyric from the song “peace” by Taylor Swift from the album “folklore.”

“They encircle me with words of hate and attack me without cause.”

This is Psalm 109:3 (ESV).

“My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again.”

This is a lyric from the song “Enchanted” by Taylor Swift from the album “Speak Now.”

“Never be so kind you forget to be clever. Never be so clever you forget to be kind.”

This is a lyric from the song “Marjorie” by Taylor Swift from the album “evermore.”

“When did all our lessons start to look like weapons pointed at my deepest hurt.”

This is a lyric from the song “happiness” by Taylor Swift from the album “evermore.”

“We looked for peace, but no good came; for a time of healing but behold terror.”

This is Jeremiah 8:15 (ESV).

“I would know what he would answer me.”

This is Job 23:5a (ESV).

“Do not envy the wicked.”

This is Proverbs 24:1 (NIV).

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