“Beyond the Shore” by Emilia Jones
“With its simple form and overall contemplative tone, it’s a perfect song to add to your prayer time playlist.”As Christians, I believe it’s possible for us to hear God’s truths in music, even if it’s not specifically Christian music we are listening to. When I listen to “Beyond the Shore” by Emilia Jones, though the song is seemingly about an earthly father and daughter relationship, I can’t help but relate it to the relationship we have with our heavenly Father. The lyrics focus on this idea of moving through the ebbs and flows of life, all the while having security in the one who never leaves our side. God is with us now, He was with us then, and He will be with us for whatever comes our way in the future.
Not only does this song have reflective, prayer-like lyrics, it also has a beautiful flow and melody, a calming acoustic feel, and pure, clean vocals from Jones. “Beyond the Shore” gained popularity by its feature in the credits of the film “CODA,” in which Jones played the leading role. In fact, the song was on a soundtrack that Jones, who has experience performing both on stage and screen, wrote herself. With her being a newer artist, I’m excited to see what Jones does next!

For many, January is a time for change. “Change in Your Name” by NOURI is about the spiritual change we make when we accept Jesus is the one who lifts us up. With its simple form and overall contemplative tone, it’s a perfect song to add to your prayer time playlist.
At times, we may need a reminder to seek the face of Jesus before we seek His blessings. Kari Jobe and Pat Barrett’s song, “Daily Bread,” is a perfect reset for the new year, as it reminds us that nothing we can do this year is better than drawing closer to God.