Asbury Revival
This past February marked a revival on Asbury University’s campus. Students from The Salvation Army Student Fellowship on campus were interviewed and featured on The Battle Line podcast about the revival, including Bobilynn Carr, a freshman at Asbury.PEER: How did you first hear about what was happening in Hughes Auditorium?
BOBILYNN: So, I was a part of the group of students that stayed [after chapel] and one of the reasons why I stayed was because it was the same person that spoke at the last chapel I had been to the week before. And he was really touching on my heart and I had just been through a wilderness. I stayed because I just wanted to continue to feel God and then I had a pull on my heart, so I went to the altar. I prayed with a fellow Salvationist here and I felt okay. And I left because praise team had already taken a break. The live music had already taken a break and so, I felt like, okay, time to go to class. And then one o’ clock hit, and my second class hit, and one of my friends was like, “Chapel is still going on …” And I was like, really? I didn’t have the strong pull everyone else had. I had my books on the table but I was still standing there ready to go, and then my teacher is like, if you feel led, then you can go. I packed up my stuff, went to Hughes and then the second I got to Hughes, I put my stuff down. The people I had [gone] to Hughes with scattered all over. I sat down and I just prayed and I was like, God, what am I doing here? Because I felt like I made a mistake.
And then out of nowhere, these two people—I had no clue who they were—just came over to me, and we just started praying and [I] felt like God broke down a wall. We prayed over the loneliness I had been feeling. Just instantly I was hit with this like pure joy. And then it was a really cool intimate moment.
P: Describe what’s going on in Asbury University right now.
B: So, I believe what’s happening here at Asbury is a time of, not only is it a revival, yes, and I feel like it is revival happening here, but I feel like healing is happening from deep wounds, even brokenness. I also believe it’s fellowship happening, and God breaking walls and boundaries like stepping forward, going and praying with friends. I believe it’s showing an outward appearance about how there are people who are still true and want to be all in with God.
P: What do you hope happens next?
B: What I hope happens next for myself is [that] I hope my prayer life continues to change. I continue to go deeper. I hope I continue to go even more intentional with the Word. Even sitting in Hughes like a couple of days, I’ve even been more intentional and found new ways to read my Bible that I’ve just opened so much, and I hope myself and others around me commit to consecrated lives. And I hope this brings about a life of holiness that is evident in Jesus glorified in my life and also others, and on campus that you can just truly tell, it’s a body of believers.
To listen to more testimonies from Asbury University students, click here.

Dr. Paws? This Salvation Army therapy dog, Brengle, was honored with an honorary “dog-torate” degree in March in recognition of his services to students’ wellbeing on Teeside University in Middlesbrough, UK.
For many college students, moving away from home for the first time and adjusting to a new class schedule can be overwhelming. Captain Naomi Kelly, the corps officer (pastor) for Middlesbrough Salvation Army, comes to the Teeside University campus with Brengle to help as part of the chaplaincy service on campus. Brengle comes to comfort students who may be struggling with stress or mental health issues.
“I’m a chaplain at the university and usually go in on a Friday for a couple of hours. People who don’t want to talk to people will talk to dogs, so Brengle helps open up conversations, he is a stepping stone,” says Captain Naomi.
To read more about Brengle, visit

Zach In Action
Zach Moore is a multimedia creator who is passionate about event, theater and headshot photography and videography. He has worked with The Salvation Army for approximately seven years, having first gotten his start as a lifeguard and swim instructor at The Salvation Army Camden Kroc Center in Camden, NJ.
He was creating swim safety instructional videos for young swimmers when he realized he could use his creative talents for something larger. “I just saw the immense need for community outreach,” Zach said, and with that, he shifted his focus from Aquatics to the Community Relations and Development department.
He now serves as the multimedia marketing specialist at the Camden Kroc Center where he creates content for the center’s social media pages and covers events like toy distributions at Christmastime. His work helps to raise awareness for the center and its programs, which has resulted in a threefold increase in the number of people served at the Kroc Center since his start in the role.
“My role here has really helped me grow with my career and passions,” Zach said. Check out his work and keep up to date with the Camden Kroc Center on Instagram at @CamdenKroc.

The Salvation Army In Ukraine
February 24, 2023 marked the first anniversary of the Ukraine war. By this date, some eight million refugees from the region sought assistance with an estimated further five-and-a-half million people displaced by the war.
The Salvation Army has responded to around 160,730 individuals in need in a variety of ways, with some 85 humanitarian projects running in 11 different countries. These are supported via international funding and by IHQ. The total value of these projects currently exceeds some £10 million.
In addition, 15 shipments of relief items have been transported into Ukraine from Germany, Poland and France. These included 74 pallets of food and hygiene items, clothing and bedding, generators, water filters and other electrical equipment.
The international Salvation Army response, either through significant fundraising efforts and project support or by those in the countries concerned running programs, includes the provision of essential aid such as more than 93,000 food parcels, 682,000 cooked meals and around 131,000 cash or voucher-based transactions.
Report by IHQ Communications, edited for length.

International Women’s Day Exhibition 2023
In March, The Salvation Army International Headquarters posted an online exhibition of women from around the world, sharing their inspiring stories and testimonials. The Women’s Ministries at International Headquarters collected these testimonies and paired them with a portrait of each woman. The exhibition website has an inspiring story for each portrait.
“Each story in this exhibition shares something of the greater story of womanhood, resilience and overcoming difficulty with faith and determination,” says the exhibition website. “Each story tells how a woman within The Salvation Army’s story has risen up against all odds.”
To view the exhibition, visit salvationarmy.or/ihq/iwd23-exhibition.