
App Review: Lectio 365

Each week gives you a different set of passages and a different theme that provides a unique lens through which to view them. By David Reardon

Available on both Android and iOS devices, “Lectio 365” guides users through a daily devotional and reading from Scripture. Each week gives you a different set of passages and a different theme that provides a unique lens through which to view them. For each passage, there are four steps to the devotion: Pause, Rejoice and Reflect, Ask and Yield (P. R. A. Y.). The steps are designed to have the user take a slow, careful look at the passages from Scripture in order to dive into what they mean and what God could be asking of us through them. By the end of the devotion, the idea is that you carry an attitude of prayer with you throughout the rest of your day. 

The devotions, written by leaders from 24-7 Prayer International, are also available as 10-minute audio tracks read by soothing voices with calming music. They’re even ready to download for offline usage. The app is based on the 3rd century practice of “Lectio Divina,” or “divine reading,” which is a method that encourages Christians to slowly, methodically meditate on God’s Word. 

The app itself is extremely user-friendly. A dock at the bottom of the screen will provide you with the essential functions of the app, which includes a Home Screen that tells you what the day’s devotion is, a calendar where you can access the previous 60 days worth of devotions, an arrow matching the app’s icon that will launch you into the devotion immediately, a catalog of devotions that you have downloaded and a collection of information about the app, Lectio Divina, and options to share and donate. The app is great for people who, like me, are still looking for the right way to create a moment with God every day. It’s simple and poignant and doesn’t take a lot of time. 

To me, this app seems to be more of a starting-off point, and most likely shouldn’t be the end-all, be-all of a Christian’s devotions. Disappointingly, there is only one plan for every user to follow along with, unlike the YouVersion Bible app, which allows users to find devotion plans for nearly every life situation. Simplicity is both the app’s strength and weakness.

Peer rating 4/5

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