
5 Tips on Living a Slower Life

Trying a slower lifestyle can lead to less stress, better relationships and better physical and mental health.

Do you find yourself swiveling your attention to multiple different things or rushing from place to place? Try a slower lifestyle. A slower lifestyle allows you to live more intentionally with your time and to live more mindfully. This can lead to less stress, better relationships and better physical and mental health.  

1. Put your phone away.

It may be difficult, and you certainly don’t have to throw your phone in a lake and do away with technology for the rest of your life. But you can put your phone away for more than an hour during the day. When you find yourself reaching for your phone, put it away to “monotask,” or focus on one task at a time.   

2. Start your day slowly. 

Instead of racing out of bed to get to your next class, savor your mornings. Instead of heading straight to your to-do list, savor your first cup of coffee or tea in the morning. Savor your devotional and quiet time with God. Make this time in the morning for you and let it serve you, not the other way around. 

3. Spend time outside. 

You don’t have to be an outdoorsy person to implement this tip. Sit outside on a picnic blanket to enjoy nature. Walk outside and notice the things around you. Get out of your house and enjoy the fresh air.  

4. Don’t rush through the day. 

How many times have you wished for the day to be over? How many times have you rushed through a task? Do the things you have to do in a timely manner but savor each task and allow yourself the full allotted time to do something. 

5. Go on silent walks

I love listening to music, a podcast or an audiobook while walking outside, but not listening to any form of “content” while walking outside allows me to reflect on my day and let my thoughts roam free. Take these silent walks and learn to appreciate the silence.  

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