
Meet Josh

What started as a part-time job in high school led to something that Josh never could have imagined. By Captain Nathaniel Hinzman

As a sophomore in high school, Josh was just looking for a job. He heard about an opening for a junior counselor in the after-school program at The Salvation Army in the South End of Boston. Josh didn’t know much about The Salvation Army apart from its thrift stores. While he considered himself shy, Josh was willing to jump in and try anything.

Eventually, Josh started attending Sunday worship services so that he could grasp a deeper understanding of the WHY behind the everyday work of The Salvation Army. Josh felt an immediate connection to the corps (church) family, who loved and welcomed him with open arms.

As Josh became more involved at the corps, he began to seek answers to the tough questions that weighed heavily on his heart and mind. A few years prior, Josh’s mother was involved in a traumatic accident that left her with debilitating pain. Josh wondered how a loving God could allow such suffering and brokenness. Through countless conversations and time spent in prayer with his corps officers (pastors),  Josh came to recognize and affirm that God’s purposes are always good because His character is completely good. Even amidst seasons of hardship and trial, Josh has learned to “count it all joy” (James 1:2a, ESV). 

Five years ago, Josh saw a poster on the corps bulletin board for the Candidates Seminar. Josh registered in hopes of seeing what God is doing through The Salvation Army outside of Boston. The Holy Spirit showed up in Josh’s life that weekend. There, while surrounded by hundreds of other delegates, Josh recommitted his life to Christ and received his call to full-time ministry as a Salvation Army officer. Now, Josh remains in awe of the God who lovingly pursues us—even when we feel inadequate and unworthy.

Upon his return home to Boston, Josh immediately confronted the challenge of life as a 21-year-old walking in obedience to God’s will. Josh wasn’t sure how his journey would unfold, but he was confident that the Lord would open the right doors in His time as long as He remained obedient.

After eight years of dedicated service in the South End’s after-school program, Josh transitioned into his current role as the Candidate Intern for the Boston South End Corps. Within this new scope of ministry, Josh has discovered gifts that he didn’t know existed, he’s gained valuable experience in holistic ministry, and he’s received further confirmation of God’s anointing on his life. 

This fall, Josh is looking forward to leaving behind the familiar and the comfortable to be stretched and equipped in new ways. Josh is excited to get to know his session mates and see God’s will continue to unfold.

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