That is the testimony of Ronal Gomez. Ronal was born and raised in Harrisonburg, VA. He grew up in a Catholic, hardworking, immigrant family who taught him about sacrifice and dedication.
At approximately eight years old, Ronal was out and about in the neighborhood, riding his bike, when he came across another kid banging on a drum. That kid, who would soon become Ronal’s best friend, was the son of the newly appointed Salvation Army officers (pastors) in the community. Before long, Ronal was attending the local corps (church) on a regular basis and even learning to play an instrument there.
“The Army gave me a sense of purpose, community, and direction, especially during pivotal moments in my life,” Ronal said. “Even in times of hardship or uncertainty, I can look back and see how The Salvation Army played a role in guiding me toward the right path.”
However, after entering high school, Ronal’s calendar started to fill with sports, school activities, music and relationships. He found himself slowly drifting from the corps, and he eventually stopped attending altogether.
At the age of 20, Ronal felt his life crumble as a result of the devasting breakup of his four-year-long relationship. “I was deeply in love and had built much of my identity around that partnership. It was as if the breakup had not only ended a relationship but also robbed me of my sense of self.” Ronal felt himself sinking into depression. He lost motivation, dropped out of school, and quit his job. He felt adrift without purpose or direction.
At his lowest point, he received a Facebook message from the officer at The Salvation Army corps he had once attended. The officer had been flipping through old photos, spotted Ronal’s face, and felt compelled to reach out and invite him to upcoming events. Though it had been six years since he’d been at the corps, he felt the nudging to accept the invitation.
What Ronal found was a community that embraced him once again. As he immersed himself in the Army’s programs and opportunities, he reconnected with his faith and saw God working in his life. He was accepted into university and discovered a passion for computer science. He is now a senior with a job lined up after graduation.
Ronal said, “Through every trial and tear, God set things in motion to draw me closer, and I am forever grateful for His grace and faithfulness.”